The Rainbow of Life

by Aloha Brown

Helios drives his chariot across the sky,
filtering droplets with sunbursts of energy,
and I view my life through the prisms of the rainbow.

Red can be danger, evil, rage - not parts of me-
for red was challenge, courage, and tenacity
as I coped with poverty and sexual bias.

Orange was family, a cauldron of bubbling
laughter, vibrant, secure, while I tumbled through childhood
mischievous, sensitive, aware, and surviving.

Enduring marital violence, two stepfathers,
reaching adulthood with its self-determination,
idealistic, optimistic - I love yellow!

The duality of majesty and fragility,
healing meditation, silent rhythms,
green trees and I have a non-physical symbiosis.

Blue, blue, my love is blue, and it was as Ken died,
and Dennis, the husband, was disaster - oh, my-
thanks Blue Moon, for sending me a kindred spirit.

Indigo is balancing the scales, good and bad,
pain of childbirth, joy of motherhood, first grandchild,
strokes, success, failure, still loved and loving...alive!

Violet, shy purple, royalty of wisdom
and understanding, independent, alone not lonely,
I eased into my last years graciously.

About the author:

Ms. Aloha Brown is a member of the Dramatist Guild and the International Women's Writing guild. In 1989 Bantam Books published her adaptation of "Hedda Gabler," which can be found in the anthology, Six Major Tragedies.
She lives in Port Washington, New York where she continues to write.