Paying The Price

by TJ

i'm paying the price
for what i have done
wanted what i couldn't get
and she was just one

she flirted and whispered
sweet things in my ear
my friends said it wasn't right
but i couldn't hear

i thought i had found
what's right for me
but there was more to her
than what i could see

she said it was over
i could not except it
i wanted it to last forever
and she wanted to end it

i was horny one night
i needed to get laid
i raped her
late one day

i did what i did
what's more to say
i did what i did
it's time to pay

our love ended my own way

i sit by myself
with no one around me
there is nothing left
of the anger that was in me

they call me insane
but i don't care
age has taken over
i've lost my teeth and hair
no one knows
what's in my head
the things i've done
and the things i've said

i sit by myself
with no one near
it's quiet and peaceful
and there's nothing to hear

except for tear drops hitting
the cement floor i lay on
all the pain and guilt inside me
but still i live on

no one will care
when my death comes
just an insane old man
who's time has finally come