That Night

by James Snydal

Switching to a private plane in Kansas City,
he found twenty-five hundred citizens
waiting to glimpse him. For two hours, those high
school kids and young married couples, beside

themselves with happiness, had waited. Now,
there was no microphone at all. The crowd
"pinned him against the plane, pulled at his clothes,"
and started to scream. Still, Bobby began to smile

at the eager crowd. Quietly he touched
many hands. Bobby smiled and nodded
encouragement. He touched many hands.
Those people had waited for two hours to see their man.

Only those closest to him could hear, but Bobby
started to speak. That voice they knew gave
his first campaign speech: "I will need
your help. But if you work hard..., we will win."

Bobby didn't have to have any bylines
to get in the news; his movements were our headlines.

About the Author:
James Snydal is a Vietnam veteran living in Bainbridge Island, Washington. Over 116 of his poems have been published in journals and anthologies in the United States, Canada and England. His latest book which is a collection of poetry called "Near The Cathedral" is available through Dry Bones Press in San Francisco.