The Poem

by Sheila B. Roark

It’s not just strong, emotive words.
Or a certain metered rhyme.
It’s not just groups of simple words
That makes it so sublime.

What makes a poem so special,
Is that it’s from the heart.
The Poet Shares himself with you.
His soul he does impart.

So when you read your favorite poem
Think of the poet who
Gave you a very special gift.
His gift of love that’s true.

Our Eyes

by Sheila B. Roark

Liquid pools of color
Are mirrors of our heart
Reflecting feelings from our souls
Where our emotions start.

Our faces may be placid.
But eyes will always show
The way we really feel inside
And how emotions flow.

Our eyes are truly mirrors
Reflecting what we feel.
Shining for the world to see
Emotions that are real.