The Man Of My  Dreams

by Robert Starks

The man of my dreams,
    He gave me everything I need.
The man of my dreams, 
    He tied me to a chair and beat me.

Don't even look, can't you see what I've done?

The man of my dreams,
    is the only one who hurts me.
The man of my dreams,
    will make me strung out, sick, and leave me.
The man of my dreams,
    Is the only guy who deserves me!
The man of my dreams,  
    He knows better than to believe me...

No, I can't look, can't you see what I've done?
looking down the barrel of his cold loaded gun
    He's going to shoot me with it, 
    He's going to rape me with it
    He's going to hurt me with it
    He's going to CHOKE me with it.
He's going to give it to me the way that I want.

The man of my dreams,
    He calls me names and slaps me.
The man of my dreams,
    He knows that I'm a liar.
The man of my dreams,
    Will make me co-dependent and listless
The man of my dreams,
    He knows I'm just a whore for hire.

Hey you, will the truth make you run?
You know I love him, and I love what he does.
    He's going to stab me with it,
    He's going to USE me with it
    He's going to beat me with it
    He's going to kill me with it.
    He's going to fuck me with it.
    He's going to hate me with it.
He's going to make me know he loves me too.

As I call out his name, as I call out for more
as I stare at the sky and thank the gods for my luck
As I wither, as I die, as my life is destroyed
I know that his hatred will never be enough.

He was the man of my dreams. 
    And he was nicer than my reality.


The End Is Near

by Robert Starks

Everything's falling down around you,
but salvation's just a phone call away.
Put your hand on the screen,
save us from what's obscene.
Heaven's but a hope far away.

Make sure you count your blessings:
For that with which you're not content.
Condemn what you hate and then do it yourself
Hypocrisy's fine if you reform and repent.

(The soul has been saved, but the logic's been bent.)

God's going to be late to the party again..
I think someone needs to call and remind him..
Everyone's been waiting an awfully long time.
Don't look too close in case you don't find him.

Reach out and save someone,
Damnation is but moments away.
Before He will save us all,
Armageddon will destroy us all.

Funny how tomorrow's just another day.